There are 111 thousand Tibetans in Yunnan ,who mainly inhabit in Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, a few number in Lijiang. They take the works of animal husbandry.
Their garments are mainly made of the skins of animals. Tibetans are the open Cnature nation, good at the riding horses , arrows-shot ,the men always have a silver knife on the waists.
They believe in the Lama Religion, the Huang religion (yellow religion) as the main one. Many feasts are related with the religion, like as ” New Year of Tibetan Calendar” , “The Day of Being the Buddhist” and so on.
At the eve of New Year they will have the meals while set free the “Dragon Lights” and burn the joss sticks. At the night they all sing the old songs and dance surrounding the campfire. The Tibetan young people are much more free before marriage. By the methods of singing songs to each other for further understanding , the parents of male side will go to the girl’s house for a offer of marriage after they both are engaged themselves. If the parents of bride agree it so the wedding date will be fixed.
The ceremony will last to the next morning by the singing and dancing. It will be over after the light can be seen in far away.