Ganlanba (Oliver Plain) in Manghan
Ganlanba (Olive Plain) is about 30 kilometers away from Jinghong City. It is a basin by the Mekong. The area has a typical tropical zone landscapes with low terrain and moist climate. Ganlanba covers an area of 50 square kilometers and is 530 meters above sea level, which is the lowest place in Xishuangbanna.
Weather in the region is hot, humid, which brings in various tropical fruits like coconut, areca, banana, mango, litchi, carambola, pineapple honey, etc, as well as great amount of candied fruit.
The Dai are Hinayana Buddhists who first appeared 2,000 years ago in the Yangzi Valley and who were subsequently driven southwards by the Mongol invasion of the 13th century. Countless Buddhist temples were built in the early days of the Dai state and now lie in the jungles in ruins.
The villages in Ganlanba are found on the plains, near rivers or streams, and among clusters of bamboo. The buildings generally are built on stilts. Some of the houses are square, with two stories. The upper story serves as the living place, while the lower space, without walls, is used as a storehouse and for keeping livestock.
The Dai live in spacious wooden houses raised on stilts, to keep themselves off the damp earth, with the pigs and chickens below. The most common Dai foods are sticky rice (khao nio in Dai) and fish. The common dress for Dai women is a straw hat or towel-wrap headdress; a tight, short blouse in a bright color; and a printed sarong with a belt of silver links. Some Dai men tattoo their bodies with animal designs, and betel-nut chewing is popular. Many Dai youngsters get their teeth capped with gold; otherwise they are considered ugly.